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Mt. Furano, Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido // 富良野岳, 大雪山国立公園, 北海道

One of the things I love about Hokkaido is its abundant natural landscape and within this, the varied hiking trails and treks. During the summer trip with my family to Hokkaido, we spent the first few days in the Furano-Kamifurano-Biei area which is near to the immense Daisetsuzan National Park 大雪山国立公園. Aside from visiting flower farms and eating…

One of the things I love about Hokkaido is its abundant natural landscape and within this, the varied hiking trails and treks.

During the summer trip with my family to Hokkaido, we spent the first few days in the Furano-Kamifurano-Biei area which is near to the immense Daisetsuzan National Park 大雪山国立公園. Aside from visiting flower farms and eating lavender ice-cream, we also did some walking/hiking.

As I was travelling with my family, I searched specifically for day trips that either my parents could join or would have something else that they could enjoy while my sister and I were sweating it out.

With my parents, we took it easy. We went up Mount Asahi 旭岳 – the highest mountain in Hokkaido – via cable car and had a leisurely walk around the crater ponds amid dense mist.Daisetsuzan National Park 大雪山国立公園 - Asahi-dake 旭岳28 - Sugatami PondP160NC

For something more vigorous, I zoomed in on the Tokachi / Furano-Dake area as it offers many options for day hikes. Amongst the four main areas within the national park, this is apparently the least developed, which appealed to me as this probably means that there would be less people.

After getting some helpful advice from Mari at Furano Tourism Board, I decided to try the round-trip hike to Mt. Furano 富良野岳 which starts and ends at Ryounkaku Tokachidake Onsen.

Useful information

  • The 12-kilometre walk to and from Mt. Furano from Ryounkaku Tokachidake Onsen takes around five and a half to seven hours in good weather
  • Mt. Furano is 1,912 metres above sea level but because Hokkaido is at the northern end of Japan, the climate surrounding the mountain is similar to that of a 3,000 metre tall mountain in Honshu.
  • It is recommended to bring wet weather gear as the weather can change quickly up in the mountain
  • Walking season is from July-October; the first snow usually falls here in the middle of September
  • Ansei Crater is an easy 30-minute walk from Ryounkaku. If you’re lucky, you might spot a pika or two. According to Mari, pikas can be heard chattering around the crater!


After our walk in Mount Asahi 旭岳, my parents decided that my idea of an “easy walk” didn’t match theirs. So they decided to relax in the hotel instead of joining me for a walk after we had checked in.


Fortunately, my sister was game for it. Before we set off, we had some of the complimentary tea and snacks.


Alright, now we’re ready!


The initial part of the walk was a breeze and mostly over flat terrain. We reached Ansei Crater but didn’t spot or hear any pikas. It was striking to see how barren yet verdant the area is.

Here’s a view of our hotel from around the crater:


I spoke too soon. The climb had only just started.


The rocky terrain was moderately sloped but still was manageable for both of us (and we didn’t exercise regularly).


Throughout our ascent, we met people who were coming down from the peak of Mt. Furano. Not surprising considering that it was already mid-afternoon and we had a late start.


Usually I would follow AB’s lead whenever we went hiking. Fortunately, this route was clearly marked and you really can’t get lost.

Unless you’re like me and don’t always follow the obvious directions… For instance, I was scrambling up a rocky slope with a small stream of running water when my sister called out to me from below and pointed out the correct, and gradual, path in another direction. Oops.


Back on the right track, we continued our climb. I was glad my parents were more sensible than me and opted to pass on this walk which would have been too strenuous for my mum and maybe my dad too.


It was a scenic walk and we were lucky that it was a warm, clear day. As we got higher, the terrain changed and was covered with green alpine plants.

Daisetsuzan National Park 大雪山国立公園 - Mt. Furano 富良野岳16tc4

The path became steeper with wooden blocks for steps. We started counting the number of steps that we took but lost count after 1,000. Better save our breath for more of that crisp, thin mountain air!


While we were walking up the steps, we met a lone hiker on his way down. In halting English, he told us that the peak of Mt. Furano was far away and at least another one and a half hours away.

As it was getting late, plus we were getting hungry, we decided to turn around after walking for another 30 minutes.


Along the way, we spotted an adorable Siberian chipmunk foraging for food.


While we didn’t make it to the top of Mt. Furano, this was an enjoyable and picturesque walk, and I would strongly recommended it.

It was also nice to spend some quality time with my sister who was a great sport.


Once we got back to the start of the trail, we made sure to sign out.


I’ve only seen such a system of checking in/out of a hiking trail in Japan. Not sure if this is done anywhere else?


If you’re interested to go hiking in Daisetsuzan National Park, here are some useful sites:



Back at the hotel, we had a hearty hotpot dinner in the communal dining hall.


After dinner, it was time to try the onsens. This was the first time for both of us in a Japanese onsen and it was exactly as what we imagined it would be – lots of hot water and steam, and all clothes off!

We were in the outdoor onsen briefly as it was cold. As it was pitch dark outside, we didn’t see any of the fantastic view from the onsen. Another reason to return to Mt. Tokachi and Daisetsuzan National Park!

Back in our room, we laid our futons on the tatami mats and sleep came quickly after the afternoon walk in the mountain.


Next morning, we had a leisurely breakfast in the dining hall, looking out to the Daisetsuzan National Park.


During which, my mum demonstrated how to eat natto (fermented soybeans). An acquired taste, I say.


Ryounkaku Tokachidake Onsen 十勝岳温泉 凌雲閣
Phone: +81 (0)167394111
Accessibility: By car or 50 minutes by bus from Kamifurano station
Good to know: 1,280 metres above sea level. Wi-fi is available. 13 rooms, no air-conditioning (not that you’d need any). Serves a hearty hotpot dinner and buffet breakfast
Don’t miss: Indoor and outdoor onsens, the latter comes with a gorgeous view.

To see where the hotel is located, refer to the Google Map that I created for this trip.


Pictures on this post were taken by my sister and me

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Responses to “Mt. Furano, Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido // 富良野岳, 大雪山国立公園, 北海道”

  1. 12 Days of Summer in Hokkaido | Angelina Hue

    […] (posts published as of 19 April 2014): Daisetsuzan National Park // 大雪山国立公園 + Mt. Furano 富良野岳 mountain walk Asahikawa // 旭川 Cape Notoro // 能取岬 Abashiri // 網走市 Shiretoko // 知床 Rausu // […]


  2. rolleiflex addict

    As Japanese I lived in Japan for a long long time. But I have never visited Hokkaido! I always repeatedly thought “Oh, yes! I can always visit there whenever I actually want”. And, after all, I am now far away from Hokkaido.

    Have you ever read Haruki Murakami’s “A Wild Sheep Chase”? The main scene of this story is settled in Hokkaido.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. angelinahue

      I know exactly what you mean. I used to think that about some places in Asia or Southeast Asia when I was in Singapore. I found it a little ironic that I visited Bali and Japan for the first time only after I moved to Europe.
      No, I’ve not heard of this book by Murakami. The plot sounds interesting. Just added it to my list of books to read/look out for 🙂


    2. Alyx

      I’ve never been to Hokkaido, but I LOVE “A Wild Sheep Chase” (and everything else by Murakami). Hearing about Hokkaido always reminds me of this book.


      1. angelinahue

        Nowadays, I try to bring a book that is set in the destination that I’ll be visiting. I think that reading it in the place where the story unfolds only enhances the experience. Maybe I’ll keep A Wild Sheep Chase in mind for the next time I go to Hokkaido 🙂


  3. evelyn

    Visiting flower farms, having lavender ice cream, and hiking sounds like a nice way to travel! I would looove to visit Hokkaido someday too 🙂


    1. angelinahue

      And eating some of the best sushi and sashimi + soaking in onsens 🙂 You’ll enjoy exploring Hokkaido!


  4. Kevin

    Hokkaido is on our list to visit next in Japan.


    1. angelinahue



  5. Andrew

    This looks quite a strenuous hike – definitely ranked as one where you have to take your hands out of your pockets. I think I would follow your parents example and stay behind.


    1. angelinahue

      🙂 We saw Japanese hikers of varying ages when we were there. I don’t think it was very strenuous, but it could be challenging if one is not used to physical activity. Walking sticks also seemed to be handy, especially for climbing up and down those stairs/slopes.


      1. Andrew

        Ah we have hiking poles so maybe we could manage. We have to walk 10km next weekend as we are going on a charity tree plant for Yung Yung’s company. Should be fun.


        1. angelinahue

          As long as the weather is fine, I’m sure it would be fun! I’ve only participated once in a tree-planting exercise, following which I realised that I’ve no natural aptitude for shoveling soil 😉


  6. robert quiet photographer

    Wow, so far away from here…


    1. angelinahue

      It does take some time to get to from Brussels, especially since there aren’t even direct flights from here to even Tokyo. But it’s a journey that turned out to be well worth it 🙂


      1. robert quiet photographer

        Ok,m I’ll keep on my “to do” list !


  7. Pure Romania

    Very interesting article. I love it. I like the nice descriptions about the natural places. It seems that they are a little bit alike the places that we have in Romania – .
    Did you ever visit Romania?

    Great esteem Iolanda from Pure Romania!


    1. angelinahue

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. I’ve not been to Romania yet and don’t know much about your country. But it’s good to know that Romania has a wide range of hiking options – maybe something for consideration during the mid-year holidays!


  8. searchingtosee

    beautiful terrain and lovely photos – well done on the hike it looks like it was quite tough!


    1. angelinahue

      Thank you! The hike wasn’t too tough but you would need some stamina and patience. If only we had a much earlier start, we would probably have gotten to the top. Next time!


  9. Lia in Brussels

    You had me from the start with your lovely photos but then you went on with the onsens.With a gorgeous view no less! Nature and civilization at their best!


    1. angelinahue

      Thanks Lia! I love the onsens, especially those with a scenic view. Such an indulgent and relaxing experience.


  10. figtree23

    How did you find the Onsen Angelina? Relaxing? I love the soak!!

    And where did you mum develop her love for Natto? Its certainly an acquired taste.


    1. angelinahue

      Love it! (onsen, not natto) 😉
      My mum had visited Japan on other occasions and tried natto previously. I guess she simply liked the taste and texture.


  11. Borja

    This is a wonderful photo essay. I enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this.


    1. angelinahue

      You’re most welcome 🙂


  12. sleepwalkingintokyo

    Thanks for documenting this! Would love to hike this place if I have a chance to visit Hokkaido next time!


    1. angelinahue

      Thanks for visiting my blog and hope that you’ll get to visit Hokkaido sometime (with your film camera in hand)!


  13. Interlude: Hokkaido | Angelina Hue

    […] Lake Shikotsu Daisetsuzan National Park Sapporo summer festival Mt. Furano, Daisetsuzan National Park Noboribetsu – Jigoku-dani hot spring town […]


  14. Mountain Dreams | Angelina Hue

    […] Ryounkaku Tokachidake Onsen is located at the start of the route that we took. It is also a great place to get washed up and relax, as well as soak in more mountain views, after the hike. […]


  15. tokyoaaron

    Cheers Angelina! Another fun blast back to the mountains of Hokkaido, where I’ve had some of my best memories in Japan. ‘Course, since I still live here, I’m in the process of making more… but Daisetsuzan will always be a favourite! I enjoyed your report and photos, and appreciated the map as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Angelina Hue 许以诗

      Hi Aaron, glad that you enjoyed the notes 🙂 I got to revisit Daisetsuzan in 2015 and finally made it up Mt. Furano! Now that I’ve moved to Hong Kong, Japan is much closer than before – so am looking forward to exploring more of this fascinating country.


  16. Hokkaido 5: The Tokachi Volcanic Group, Japan |

    […] Hike on Mounr Furano, part of the Tokachi Volcanic Group. Image courtesy Angelina Hue, Apr 2014 […]
